
Black History Month


Learn about the South Bay Spotlight.

Welcome to South Bay Community Church

Welcome to South Bay Community Church

SBCC is a church with a heart where loving and caring friends will help you and your family grow in God's grace.

We are a church with a heart!

We believe that God is calling us to be a catalyst for spiritual awakening in the SF Bay Area and beyond. We are excited about where God is leading us, and look forward to you joining with us on that journey!

South Bay In-Person Experience

Every 2nd/4th Saturday 5:00 P.M
Learn more about SBCC Saturday Night
Sunday Mornings 10:30 A.M.


South Bay Virtual Experience

Sunday Mornings at 10:30 AM!

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Sermon Reflections

Sermon Quick Summary

When you are face to face with a lioness, standing firm in spite of your fear is what saves you, not your own strength or speed. In this series of messages on Greater Things we have seen the importance of unwavering faith in God. In this message from Daniel 6, we explore Daniel in the lion’s den, another bible study favorite. Unpacking Daniel 6 teaches lessons from stories of Daniel’s unwavering faith and the transformation in King Darius. Friends and family, when facing our own metaphorical lions, we can learn from Daniel that courageous faith in God is the root and its core is trust in God’s character. As in Daniel’s story faith may not always begin with a motive to protest or resist, but faith in God often results in resistance. Faith shines as light in the darkness to step into the brokenness of the world with God’s love. Faith has the power to change the world. What metaphorical lions are you facing that may not have teeth and claws such as fear, loneliness, uncertainty, or questions about how to respond in disturbing times to bring about social justice and equality?


This section highlights key updates, initiatives, and opportunities to engage with our community. Whether you're looking to connect, contribute, or find inspiration, the spotlight offers ways to participate, learn, and grow together with your church family.

The journey

We are serious about a personal relationship with God, and it’s all about the Journey. Our mission is Connecting with God, Growing Together, and Changing the World as God’s family. We seek to go both deep and wide in loving God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength and our neighbors as ourselves to share God’s love in a broken world.

Connecting With God

Learn the many ways you can connect with God here at SBCC!

Growing Together

Learn the many ways you can grow together here at SBCC!

Changing the World

Learn the many ways you can change the world here at SBCC!

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