South Bay Presents…
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Insights & Resources
from your South Bay Family


Emotional pain and trauma can be passed down from generation to generation. Nowhere is this more clearly seen than in the trauma of slavery. You can learn more by watching, Unchained. This documentary looks at the need and process for the deep generational healing that is so necessary, not only for African Americans but also for all Americans.

Inter-generational Care & Support

South Bay Community Church has partnered with Alameda County Care Alliance (ACCA) to provide support for the care giving needs of our South Bay family and friends. ACCA is a faith-based, person-centered, lay care navigation intervention serving adults with advanced illness and their caregivers, bridging the gap between health delivery systems, community organizations and faith-based communities. Click here to learn more about ACCA

Re-Empowering the Village (REV)

(REV) is Program is to encourage people to connect with others on a personal level and build strong, trusting relationships that motivate and guide toward their future goals, such as: academic support, school to career guidance, life skills, personal interest skills, emotional support and last but not limited to Spiritual Support.